USD187372S - Tablet - Google Patents

Tablet Download PDF


Publication number
USD187372S US D187372 S USD187372 S US D187372S
United States
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united states
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Donald Earl Dailey
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United States Patent 0 "ice I Des-187,372
Patented Mar. 8, 1960 TABLET Donald Earl Dailey, Evansville, Ind., assignor to Mead Johnson & Company, a corporation of Indiana Application February 26, 1958', Serial No. 49,798
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D163) immliiumuminnmlmummunu illllllllIllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllll Fig. ldls a top perspective view of a tablet embodying References Cited in the file of this patent my new eslgn.
ig. 2 is a corner elevation thereof. UNITED STATES PATENTS Fig. 3 is a bottom view thereof, 24313 Taggart May 14, 1895 F g. 4 is a corner elevation. thereof taken t a right 89941 LOW May 16, 1933 angle to the elevation of Fig. 2, 1,554,789 Crary Sept. 22, 1925 The characteristic featureof my design resides in the 2,052,376 Zeners V Aug. 25, 1936 combinationof a tablet having a convex top and bottom with a fiat-bottomed groove diagonally disposed on both FOREIGN PATENTS the top and bottom, as Shown 445,815 Great Britain Apr. 20, 1936 I claim: OTHER REFERENCES Th i f deslgn for a tablet as Shown and de Confectioners Machinery and Tools, Catalog X, recd April 25, 1952, page 44, item 13 and page 45, items 553 and 554.



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