USD183819S - Illuminable house number sign - Google Patents

Illuminable house number sign Download PDF


Publication number
USD183819S US D183819 S USD183819 S US D183819S
United States
Prior art keywords
house number
number sign
illuminable house
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William A. Lill
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United States Patent 0 "ice Patented Oct. 28, 1958 ILLUMINABLE HOUSE NUMBER SIGN Theodore C. Von Hiltmayer and William A. Lill, Port Huron, Mich.
Application March 18, 1957, Serial No. 45,313
Term of patent 3 /2 years (Cl. D17) Fig. 1 is a front elevational view of an illuminable References Cited in the file of this patent house number sign embodying our new design; UNITED STATES PATENTS Fig. 2 is a view. taken perpendicular to the plane of the top- D' 177,281 Schwartz Mar. 27 1956 Fig. 3 is a side elevational view; and 265,614 f fmfi l- Oct. 10, 1282 Fig. 4 is a sectional view taken on th li 4 .4 of 482,237 Follenlus Sept. 6, 1 92 Fig. 1. ,816,741 Orester et a1. July 28, 1931 The numbering per se indicated by dot and dash lines in Fig. l'is shown for illustrative purposes.
We claim:
The ornamental design for an illuminable house number sign, as shown and described.



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