USD173794S - Base for table lamps - Google Patents

Base for table lamps Download PDF


Publication number
USD173794S US D173794 S USD173794 S US D173794S
United States
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table lamps
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Edwin I. Cole
Original Assignee
The Stiffel Com
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United States Patent Ofifice "3,794
Patented Jan. 4, 1955 BASE FOR TABLE LAMPS Edwin I. Cole, Eagle, Wis., assignor to The Stiifel Company, Chicago, 11]., a corporation of Illinois Application August 19, 1954, Serial No. 31,924
Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D48--20) To all whom it may concern: The dominant features of my design are shown in solid Be it known that I, Edwin I. Cole, a citizen of the lines.
United States of America, residing at Eagle, Walworth -I claim:
County, Wisconsin, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a base for table lamps, as
ornamental Design for a Base for Table Lamps, of which shown and described. the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part hereof. f atent The single drawing figure is a perspective view of 21 References Clted m the f 0 18 p base for table lamps, showing my new design. Interiors, May 1954, page 33, item No. 465 P.



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