USD169894S - Burrows thermometer - Google Patents

Burrows thermometer Download PDF


Publication number
USD169894S US D169894 S USD169894 S US D169894S
United States
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united states
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Samuel Burrows
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' June 23, 1953 s. BURROWS 169,894
YBZJ T770143 UNITED STATES ATENT QFFICE THERMOMETEB- Samuel Burrows, Chicago, 111., assignor to Neo Products 00., Chicago, 111., a corporation of 7 Illinois Application May 28, 1952, Serial No. 19,933 Term of patent 3% years (Cl. D52-7) To all whom it may concern: I claim: 7
Be it known that I, Samuel Burrows, a citizen The ornamental design for a thermometensubof the United States, residing at Chicago, in the stantially as shown and described. county of Cook and State of Illinois, have in- SAMUEL BURROWS.
vented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Thermometer, of which the following is a References Cited in the file of this patent specification, reference being had to the accom- UNITED STATES PATENTS panying drawing, forming part thereof.
Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a thermometer, Numne Name Date I D. 128,008 Silvers July 1, 1941 showing my new design,
D. 144,210 Murray Mar. 19, 1946 Fig. 2 1s a top plan View thereoi, Fig 3 is a rear View thereof. and 1 M11161 p 1 1 $222,118 NeWnham Nov. 19, 1940 Fig. 4 is an end elevation. The characteristic features of the design reside in the portion shown in solid lines.



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