USD168361S - Lorenzen bottle - Google Patents

Lorenzen bottle Download PDF


Publication number
USD168361S US D168361 S USD168361 S US D168361S
United States
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united states
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Arnold I. Lorenzen
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Dec. 9, 1952 LQRENZEN D68. 168,361
BOTTLE Filed May 21, 1952 INVENTOR: ARNULJJ l Lmzzm ZEN.
M 2-4? 44 ATZYS Patented Dec. 9, 1952 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE BOTTLE Arnold I. Lorenzen, Toledo, Ohio, assignor to Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio, a corporation of Ohio Application May 21, 1952, Serial No. 19,810
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D58-8) To all whom it may concern: REFERENCES CITED Bait known that I'Ammd I'Lorenzen'a'citizen The follow'n references are of record in the of the United States, residing at Toledo, in the me of this ai county of Lucas and State of Ohio, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for 2. UNITED STATES PATENTS Bottle, of which the following is a specification, Number Name Date reference being had to the accompanying draw- D. 18,942 Leg-gett et a1 Feb. 26, 1889 ing, forming apart thereof. D. 77,370 Schroeder Jan. 1, 1929 Fig. 1 is a side elevational view of a bottle, OTHER REFERENCES showing my new design;
Fig. 2 is an end elevational view thereof; a s Pa e April 19 1, pa e 2 9, i htside Fig. 3 is a top plan view; and D of pag Fig. 4 is a bottom plan view. I claim: The ornamental design for a bottle, substantially as shown.



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