USD167495S - Front for sunglasses or the like - Google Patents

Front for sunglasses or the like Download PDF


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USD167495S US D167495 S USD167495 S US D167495S
United States
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Jack Bloch
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Foster Grant Co
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1952 J. BLOCH V Des. 167,495
FRONT FOR SUNGLASSES OR THE. LIKE Filed April 25, 1952 INVENTOR. J20]? BLOC/I llroxd/s/ Patented Aug. 19, 1952 Des. 167,495
FRONT FOR SUNGLASSES OR THE LIKE Jack Bloch, Leominster, Mass., assignor to Foster Grant (30., Inc., Leominster, Mass., a corporation of Massachusetts Application April 25, 1952, Serial No. 19,483
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern:
Be it known, that I, Jack Bloch, a citizen of the United States, residing at Leominster, Worcester county and State of Massachusetts, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Front for Sunglasses or the like, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part thereof, in which:
Fig. 1 is a face view of a front for sunglasses, showing my new design;
Fig. 2 is a top plan view thereof; and
Fig. 3 is a side view.
The dominant features of the design are shown in full lines in the drawing.
I claim: The ornamental design for a front for sunglasses or the like, substantially as shown and described.
REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the file of this patent:
UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date D. 159,452 Sundberg July 25, 1950 D. 161,297 Watkins Dec. 19, 1950



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