USD161142S - Sundberg vaporizer - Google Patents

Sundberg vaporizer Download PDF


Publication number
USD161142S US D161142 S USD161142 S US D161142S
United States
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united states
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Carl W. Sundberg
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DCC- 5, 1950 c. w. SUNQBERG Des. 161,142
- vAPoRIzER Feb. 3, 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 INVENTOR Cr/ Sound b21-GQ,
BYULQQOM ATTORN EY Patented Dec. 5, 1950 UNITED STATES Des. 161,142
PATENT OFFICEA VAPORIZER Carl W. Sundberg, Birmingham, Mich., assignor to The De Vilbiss Company, Toledo, Ohio, a
corporation of Ohio To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Carl W. Sundberg, a citizen of the United States, residing at 1260 Lynhurst Road, Birmingham, in the county of Oakland and State of Michigan, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Vaporizer, of which the following is a specication, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.
In the drawing:
Fig. 1 is a side elevational View of a Vaporizer, showing my new design; and
Fig. 2 is a top plan view thereof.
The side opposite that shown in Figure 1 is similar thereto.
I claim: The ornamental design for a vaporizer, as shown and described.
REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the file of this patent:
UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date D. 152,866 Chapman Mar. 1, 1949 2,215,387 Burkart Sept. 17, 1940



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