USD160529S - Earring or similar article - Google Patents

Earring or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD160529S US D160529 S USD160529 S US D160529S
United States
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Alfred Philippe
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Oct. 17, 1950 A, PHlLlPPE Des. 160,529 EARRING 0R SIMILAR LARTICLE Filed Jan. y19, 195o INVENTO Patented Oct. 17, 1950 l n Des UNITED sTATEs PATENT OFFICE EARRING OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Alfred Philippe, Scarsdale, N. Y., assignor to Trifari, Krussman & Fishel, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Application January 19, 1950, Serial No. 7,333
Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D45-9) To all whom it may COTLCeWLI Fig. 1 is a plan view of an earring or similar Be it known that I, Alfred Philippe, a citizen of article, showing my new design. the United States of America, residing in Scars- Fig. 2 is an edge view thereof. dale, county of Westchester, and State of New I claim; York, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for an earring or simimental Design for an Earring or Similar Article, lar article, substantially as shown. of which the following is a specication, refer- ALFRED PHILIPPE.
ence being had to thel accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. No references cited.



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