USD151710S - Design fob a necklace ob similab abticle - Google Patents

Design fob a necklace ob similab abticle Download PDF


Publication number
USD151710S US D151710 S USD151710 S US D151710S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
similab abticle
Prior art date
Application number
Alfred Phuippe
Original Assignee
Filing date
Publication date




I Nov. 9, 1948. A. PHILIPPE( Des. 151,710
NEGKLACE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Aug'. 4, 1948 w my Hmm@ //h 'f/og INVENTOR.
Patented Nov. 9, 1948 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICEl DESIGN FOR A NECKLACE OR SIIVIILAR ARTICLE Alfred Philippe, Scarsdaie, N. Y., assgnor to Trifari, Krussman & Fishel, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Application August 4, 1948, Serial No. 147,920
Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D45-16) To all whom it may concern: REFERENCES CITED Be it known that I Alfred Philippe a citizen The tollowlng references are of record 1n the of the United States of America, residing 1n me of this patent:
Scarsdale, county of Westchester, and State of New York, have invented a new, original, and UNITED STATES PATENTS ornamental Design for a Necklace or Similar Ar- Number Name Date ticle, of which the following is a specication, D114 139 Philippe Apr 4 1939 reference being had to the accompanying draW- D 116086 Philippe Aug- 8 1939 mg fofmmg Part there@ D. 116,089 Philippe Aug, 8, 1939 Fig. 1 is a plan View of a necklace or similar article, showing my new design.
Fig. 2 is an edge View thereof.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a necklace or similar article, substantially as shown.



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