USD149516S - Design for a glove - Google Patents

Design for a glove Download PDF


Publication number
USD149516S US D149516 S USD149516 S US D149516S
United States
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Application number
Camille V. Perrin
Original Assignee
Perrin Glove Company
Filing date
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c. v. PERRIN Des. 149,516
May 4, 1948.
GLOVE Filed Oct. 25, 1946 Pat t y 1943 DES. 149,516
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A GLOVE Camille V. Perrin, Grenoble, France, assignor to Perrin Glove Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application October 25, 1946, Serial No. 134,223
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: REFERENCES CITED Be it known that I, Camille V. Perrin, a citizen of the French Republic, residing at Grenoble, lf l {3 g ii fi are of record m the France, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for Gloves, of which the follow- UN TED STATES PATENTS ing is a specification, reference being had to the Number Name t accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. 99,410 Meyers 21, 1936 sald drawmg: D. 99,566 Meyers May 5, 1936 Figure 1 shows the back of a glove, and 800,842- Busby Oct. 3 1905 Ffigure 2 t p f a v m y n h 1,176,200 Carson Mar. 1916 i i 2,359,068 Wheadon Sept. 26, 1944 The ornamental design for a glove, as shown.



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