USD145672S - Design for an alarm clock - Google Patents

Design for an alarm clock Download PDF


Publication number
USD145672S US D145672 S USD145672 S US D145672S
United States
Prior art keywords
alarm clock
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Frederick Lux
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F. LUX V Des; 145,672
Oct. 1, 1946.
Filed June 6 194 I v INVENTOR.
-Frederic/f LUx BY v HTTORNEY Patented Oct. 1,' I946 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ALARM CLOCK Frederick Lux, Middlebury, Conn., assignor to The Lux Clock Manufacturing Company, Inc., Waterbury, Conn., a corporation of Connectiout Application June 6, 1946, Serial No. 130,457 3 Term of patent 14 years P (01. D42-7) To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front perspective view of an alarm Be it known that I, Frederick Lux, a citizen of clock showing my new design. the United States, residing in Middlebury, county Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the same. of New Haven, and State of Connecticut, have I claim: invented a new, original, and ornamental Design The ornamental design for an alarm clock, as
H for Alarm Clocks, of which the following is a shown. specification, reference being bad to the accom- FREDERICK LUX. L panying drawing, forming part thereof.



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