USD145568S - Design fob a button ob similar article - Google Patents

Design fob a button ob similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD145568S US D145568 S USD145568 S US D145568S
United States
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similar article
design fob
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William Xrell
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Sept. 10, 1946. DRELL Des. 145,568
'BUT'I'ON 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed May 1'7, 1946 INVENTOR v (Al-0m, .DKEL-L- ATTORNEY Patented Sept. 10,1946 7 a V h Des.
"UNITED STATES PATENT- OFFICE 7 DESIGN FOR A BUTTON on SIMILAR I William Drell, New York, N. Y. Application May 17, 1946, Serial No. 129,807
Term of patent 3% years (Cl. Dl'I-Z) To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a plan view of a button or similar ar- Be it known that I, William Drell, a citizen of ticle showing my new design. the ,United States of America, residing in New i Fig. 2is an edge view thereof.
York, county of New York, and State of New I claim: York, have invented a new, original, and orna-- The ornamental design for a button or similar mental Design for a Button or Similar Article, article, substantially as shown.
of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, WILLIAM DRELL. forming part thereof.



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