USD145178S - Design for a desk name plate - Google Patents

Design for a desk name plate Download PDF


Publication number
USD145178S US D145178 S USD145178 S US D145178S
United States
Prior art keywords
name plate
desk name
Prior art date
Application number
Alistair L. Macbae
Filing date
Publication date




July 9,1946. A. L. MacRAE Des. 145,178
DESK NAME PLATE Filed Nov. 25, 1945 INVENTOR. AL/STA/f? L. MAG RA BY v Patented July 9, 1946 UNITED STATES Des. 145,178
PATENT OFFICE To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that Alistair L. MacRae, a citizen of the United States of America, residing at San Diego, in the county of San Diego and State of California, has invented a new original, and ornamental Design for a Desk Name Plate, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.
The figure is a perspective view of a desk name plate showing my new design.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a desk name plate, substantially as shown.



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