USD144400S - Design for a helicopter - Google Patents

Design for a helicopter Download PDF


Publication number
USD144400S US D144400 S USD144400 S US D144400S
United States
Prior art keywords
elevational view
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Paul M. Lewis
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Patented Apr. 9, 1946 D 144,400
DESIGN FOR A HELICOPTER Paul M. Lewis, Detroit, Mich.
Application March 26, 1945, Serial No. 118,713
' Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D71-1) To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a plan view;
Be it known that I, Paul M. Lewis, a citizen of Fig. 3 is a front elevational view; the United States, residing at Detroit, in the Fig. 4 is a rear elevational view; and county of Wayne and State of Michigan, have in- Fig. 5 is a fragmentary top perspective view. vented a new, original, and ornamental design for I claim: Helicopter, of which the following is a specifica- The ornamental design for a helicopter, as tion, reference being had to the accompanying shown. drawing, forming part thereof. PAUL M. LEWIS.
Fig. 1 is aside elevational View of a helicopter showing my new design;



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