USD143105S - Design for a strainer - Google Patents

Design for a strainer Download PDF


Publication number
USD143105S US D143105 S USD143105 S US D143105S
United States
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Richard C. Helfenbein
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Dec. 4, W. C.. p ZABEL ETAL D68. 143,105
5 TRAINER Filed Jun 13, 1945 new BYE
Patented Dec. 4, 1945 Des,
DESIGN FOR A STRAINER William C. P. Zabel and Richard O. Helienbein, Chicago, Ill.
Application June 13, 1945, Serial No. 120,042 Q Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D44-29) To all whom it concern: Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a strainer show- Be it known that we, William C. P. Zabel and ing our new design; Richard C. Helfenbein, both citizens of the United Fig. 2 is a top elevational view of the same; States and both residents of Chicago, in the Fig. 3 is a side elevational view of the same. county of Cook and State of Illinois, have in- We claim: vented a. new, original, and ornamental Design The ornamental design for a strainer, as for a Strainer, of which the following is a speci-- shown. fication, reference being had to the accompany WILLIAM C. P. ZABEL. ing drawing, forming a part thereof, and in RICHARD C. HEIFENBEIN. which:



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