USD143047S - Design for a skimming spoon - Google Patents

Design for a skimming spoon Download PDF


Publication number
USD143047S US D143047 S USD143047 S US D143047S
United States
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skimming spoon
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Frederick K. Storm
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Nov. 27, 1945. 'F. K. STORM Des. 143,041
SKIMMING SPOON Filed June 4, 1945 Patented Nov. 27, 1945 )es,v
UNITED. STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SKIMMING SPOON Frederick K. Storm, Los Angeles, Calif., assignor 7 to Adel Precision Products Corp., a corporation of California Application June 4, 1945, Serial No. 119,893
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevational view of a skimming Be it known that 1, Frederick K. Storm, 9. citispoon showing my new design; zen of the United States and residing at Los Fig. 2 is a side elevational view thereof; and Angeles, in the county of Los Angeles, State of Fig. 3 is a front end elevational view of the California, have invented a new, original, and same. ornamental Design for a skimming Spoon, of I claim: which th following is a specification, reference The ornamental design for a skimming spoon, being had to the accompanying drawing, forming substantially as shown. part thereof, in which: FREDERICK K. STORM.



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