USD142534S - Design fob a game board - Google Patents

Design fob a game board Download PDF


Publication number
USD142534S US D142534 S USD142534 S US D142534S
United States
Prior art keywords
game board
design fob
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Application number
John B. Stafford
Filing date
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, Oct. 9, 1945. R STAFFORD 142,534
GAME BOARD Filed Jan. 25, 1945 INV ENTQRT JOHN RSTAFFQRD A TORNEY Q Patented Oct. 9, 1945 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A GAME BOARD John R. Stafford, Belleville, Ill. Application January 25, 1945, Serial'No. 117,598
. E Term of patent 14 years (c1. n34-5) To all whom it may concern: The single figure is a, plan view of a game board Be it known that I, John R. Stafford, a citishowing my new design. The board is of convenzen of the United States of America, residing at tional thickness.
the city of Belleville, county of St. Clair, State I claim:
of Illinois, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a game board, as ornamental Design for Game Board, of which shown and described.
the following is a specification, reference being JOHN R. STAFFORD.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part theerof. I



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