USD142494S - Design for a power unit - Google Patents

Design for a power unit Download PDF


Publication number
USD142494S US D142494 S USD142494 S US D142494S
United States
Prior art keywords
power unit
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Robert A. Peterson
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O. R. PETERSON ETAL Des. 142,494
Oct. 2, 1945'.
POWER UNIT Filed April 28. 1944 086A}? R PETERSON ROBERT A. PETERSON INVENTORS fl M4 M A TTORNE Y Patented Oct. 2, 1945 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A POWER UNIT Oscar R. Peterson, Oakland, and Robert A. Peterson, San Leandro, Calif.
Application April 28, 1944, Serial No. 113,399
. Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a view in perspective of a power unit.
Be it known that we, Oscar R. Peterson and showing our design; Robert A. Peterson, citizens of th United States, Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the same; and residing at the city of Oakland, county of Ala- Fig. 3 is an end view of showing the end not meda, and city of San Leandro, county of Alashown in Fig. 1. meda, State of California, respectively, have in- We claim: vented a new, original, and ornamental Design The ornamental design for a power unit. as for Power Units, of which the following is a shown. specification, reference being had to the accom- OSCAR R. PETERSON. panying drawing, forming part thereof. ROBERT A. PETERSON.
In the drawing:



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