USD142284S - Design for a desk ornament - Google Patents

Design for a desk ornament Download PDF


Publication number
USD142284S US D142284 S USD142284 S US D142284S
United States
Prior art keywords
desk ornament
Prior art date
Application number
Martin Cody Keating
Filing date
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1945. c. KEATlNG Des. 142,284
DESK ORNAMENT Filed Feb. 20, 1945 Men/v C JKEAT/A/G;
Patented Aug. 21', 1945 I Des, 142,284
DESIGN FOR A DESK ORNAMENT Martin Cody Keating, Burbank, Calif.
Application February 20, 1945, Serial No. 118,052
. Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D741) To all whom it may concern: The single figure is a. top perspective view of the Be it known that I, Martin C. Keating, a citizen desk ornament showing my new design.
of the United States, residing in the city of Bur- I claim: bank, county of Los Angeles, and State of Cali- The ornamental design for a. desk ornament, fornia, have invented a new, original, and ornaas shown. mental Design for a Desk Ornament, of which MARTIN CODY KEA'I'ING.
the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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