USD142181S - Design fob a box - Google Patents

Design fob a box Download PDF


Publication number
USD142181S US D142181 S USD142181 S US D142181S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
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Application number
Eugene Coleman
Filing date
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E. COLEMAN Des. 142,181
Aug. 14, 1945.
Filed Feb. 5, 1944' l ll'lllllllllllll Patented Aug. 14, 1945 Des,
DESIGN FOR A BOX Eugene Coleman, North Hollywood, Calif.
\ Application February 5, 1944, Serial No. 112,453 c' Term of patent 7 years (Cl. B58-12) To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a perspective view of -a box showing Be it known that I, Eugene Coleman, a citizen my new design, and
of the United States, residing in the city of North Fig. 2 is a top plan View of the box.
Hollywood, county of Los Angeles, and State of I claim:
California, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a box, as shown.
ornamental Design for a Box, of which the fo1- EUGENE COLEMAN.
lowing is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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