USD141913S - Design for a nursing bottle holder - Google Patents

Design for a nursing bottle holder Download PDF


Publication number
USD141913S US D141913 S USD141913 S US D141913S
United States
Prior art keywords
nursing bottle
bottle holder
Prior art date
Application number
Edgar G. Beckemeyer
Filing date
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y E. G. BECKEMEYER Des. 141,913
NURSING BOTTLE HOLDER Filed Jan. 22, 1945 E0:- ng GBEcuNwvm INVENIOR.
Patented July 31, 1945 Des. 141,913
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A NURSING BOTTLE HOLDER Edgar G. Beckcmeyer, Columbus, Ohio Application January 22, 1945, Serial! No. 117,550
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D83-8) To all whom. it may concern:
Be it known that 1, Edgar G. Beckemeyer, a. citizen of the United States and a resident of Columbus, in the county of Franklin and State of Ohio, have invented a. new, original, and omamental Design for a Nursing Bottle'Holder, or which the following is a. specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing which forms 9, part hereof.
In the drawing:
Fig. 1 is a front perspective view of a nursing bottle holder showing my new design: and
Fig. 2 is a. top plan view thereof.
1 claim:
The ornamental design for a nursing bottle holder, substantially as shown.



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