USD141849S - Design for a garment hanger - Google Patents

Design for a garment hanger Download PDF


Publication number
USD141849S US D141849 S USD141849 S US D141849S
United States
Prior art keywords
garment hanger
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Application number
Isidore Salesky
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July 10, 1 SALESKY Des.
GARMENT HANGER Filed May 9, 1945 BY mm Patented July 10, 1945 Des.
DESIGN FOR, A GARMENT HANGER Isidore Salesky, Brooklyn, N. Y. Application May 9, 1945, Serial No. 119,465
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a. perspective view of a garment Be it known that I, Isidore Salesky, a citizen hanger embodying my new design. of the United States, residing at Brooklyn, in the I claim: county of Kings and State of New York, have The ornamental design for a garment hanger, invented a new, original, and ornamental Design substantially as shown. for a Garment Hanger, of which the following is ISIDORE SALESKY.
a specification, reference being bad to the accompanying drawing forming part thereof.



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