USD141671S - Design for a chair - Google Patents

Design for a chair Download PDF


Publication number
USD141671S US D141671 S USD141671 S US D141671S
United States
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Carlton J. Bannister
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Des. 141,671
June 26, 1945. c. J. BANNISTER CHAIR Filed Feb. 26, 1945 .Zfaieni'or' CARLTON 0. BPmmsTEQ Patented June 26, 1945 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CHAIR Carlton J. Bannister, Overbrook Hills, Pa., assignor to Bunting Glider Company, Philadelphia, Pa., a corporation of Pennsylvania Application February 26, 1945, Serial No. 118,136
Term of patent 7 years (01. Dis-1) To all whom it may concern. Figure 1 is a, perspective view of a chair, show- Be it known that I, Carlton J. B nni er, a ing myn w d si n; n citizen of the United States and a resident of Figure 2 is a side elevational view thereof. Overbrook Hills in Merion, county of Montgom- The dominant features of my design reside in ery, State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new, the parts shown in solid lines. original, and ornamental Design for Chair, of Iclaim: which the following is a specification, reference The ornamental design for a chair, as shown being had to the accompanying drawing, formand described. ing a part thereof, wherein: CARLTON J. BANNISTER.



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