USD141571S - Design for a tie back - Google Patents

Design for a tie back Download PDF


Publication number
USD141571S US D141571 S USD141571 S US D141571S
United States
Prior art keywords
tie back
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Application number
Earl J. Coffea
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June 12, 1945. COFFED Des. 141,571
Q TIE RACK Filed April 26, 1945 Patented June 12, 1945 I D 141,571
DESIGN FOR A TIE RACK Earl J. Cofied, Depew, N. Y.
Application April 26, 1945, Serial No. 119,235 Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side view of a tie rack embodying Be it known that I, Earl J. Cofied, a citizen of my design. Figure 2 is a front view thereof. the United States, residing at Depew, in the coun- Figure 3 is a perspective view of the same. ty of Erie and State of New York, have invented I claim: a new, original, and ornamental Design for a, Tie The ornamental design for a, tie rack, substan- Rack, of which the following is a specification, tially as shown. reference being had to the accompanying draw- EARL J. COFFED.
ing forming a, part thereof.



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