USD139682S - Design for a handbag - Google Patents

Design for a handbag Download PDF


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USD139682S US D139682 S USD139682 S US D139682S
United States
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E. DE KOLB Des. 139,682
Dec. 12, 1944.
HANDBAG Filed Oct. 26. 1944 INVENTOR. Ema d K 143 Patented Dec. 12 1944 v g UNITED sTAT s' PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A HANDBAG Eric dc Kolb, New York, N. Y.
'Application October 26, 1944, Serial No. 115,978
. Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2, is a perspective view illustrating the Be it known that I, Eric de Kolb, a, citizen of handbag with the cover in open position. no country, residing in New York, county of New The opposite Side of the handbag is substan- York, and State of New York, have invented a tially the same as that shown. new, original, and ornamental Design for a Hand- I claim: bag, of which the following is a specification, ref- The ornamental design for a handbag substan erence being had to the accompanying drawing, tially as shown and described. forming part thereof; I v
Fig. 1, is a perspective view of a handbag show- T ERIC nz KOLB.
ing my new design



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