USD139672S - Design for an electrode holder - Google Patents

Design for an electrode holder Download PDF


Publication number
USD139672S US D139672 S USD139672 S US D139672S
United States
Prior art keywords
electrode holder
elevational view
Prior art date
Application number
George E. Reynolds
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Patented Dec. 5, 1944 Des, 139,672
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ELECTRODE HOLDER George E. Reynolds, Gardena, Calif. Application August 21, 1944, Serial No. 114,956
Term of patent 14 years f A(o1. Das-1)V To all whom it may concern.' Figure 1 is a side elevational view of an elec- Be it known that I, George E. Reynolds, a trode holder showing my new design.
citizen of the United States, residing at Gardena, Figure 2 is a top plan view,
in the county of Los Angeles and State of Cali- Figure 3 is a front elevational view, and
fornia, have invented a new, original, and orna- Figure 4 is a rear elevational View.
mental Design for an Electrode Holder, of which' I claim:
the following is a specification, reference'being The ornamental design for an electrode holder,
had to the accompanying drawing, forming part as shown.



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