USD139353S - Design for a brooch pin - Google Patents

Design for a brooch pin Download PDF


Publication number
USD139353S US D139353 S USD139353 S US D139353S
United States
Prior art keywords
brooch pin
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Application number
Jack Silson
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Des. 139,353
Nov. 7, 1944.
J. SILSON BROOCH PIN Filed Sept. 16, 1944 IN V EN TOR.
S/L: W
Patented Nov. 7, 1944 r I I I Des,
DESIGN FOR A BROOCH PIN Jack Silson, New York, N. Y. Application September 16, 1944, Serial No. 115,327
Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D45--19) To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a plan view of a brooch pin showing Be it known that I, Jack Silson, a citizen of my new design.
the United States of America, residing in New Fig.2is an edge view thereof. York city, county of New York, and State of New Fig. 3 is a rear view of Figure 1. York, have invented a new, original, and orna- I claim: mental Design for a Brooch Pin, of which the The ornamental design for a, brooch pin, subfollowing is a specification, reference being had stantially as shown. JACK SILSON.
to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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