USD138194S - Design for a toy wagon - Google Patents

Design for a toy wagon Download PDF


Publication number
USD138194S US D138194 S USD138194 S US D138194S
United States
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toy wagon
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Tom Duffy
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Patented July 4, 19 4 Des. 138,194
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TOY WAGON Tom Dufly, Detroit, Mich., assignor to Montgomery Ward & 00., Incorporated, Chicago, 111., a corporation of Illinois Application August 11, 1943, Serial No. 110,889
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective view of a toy wagon Be it known that I, Tom Duffy, a citizen of showing my new design. the United States, residing at Detroit, in the I claim: county of Wayne and State of Michigan, have The ornamental design for a toy wagon, as invented a new, original, and ornamental Deshown. sign for a Toy Wagon, of which the following is TOM DUFFY,
a specification, reference being had to the accompanymg drawing, forming a, part hereof.



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