USD137452S - Design for a blouse - Google Patents

Design for a blouse Download PDF


Publication number
USD137452S US D137452 S USD137452 S US D137452S
United States
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Joe Koret
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March 14, 1944. J, KQRET Des. 137,452
BLOUSE Filed Jan. 3, 1944 IN I 'EN TOR.
J'OE KORET Q Pa en d M -1 ,19 4 Des. 137,452
DESIGN FOR A BLOUSE Joe Koret, San Francisco, Calif.
Application January 3, 1944, Serial No. 112,155 Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front view of a blouse as seen slight- Be it known that I, Joe Koret, a citizen of the ly in perspective and showing my new design. United States and a. resident of the city and Fig. 2 is a rear view of the blouse of Fig. 1 county of San Francisco, State of California, shown in somewhat reduced scale. have invented a. new, original, and ornamental I claim: Design for a Blouse, of which the following is a The ornamental design for a blouse, substanspecification, reference being had to the accomtially as shown and described panying drawing, forming a part thereof, JOE KORET.



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