USD137371S - Herz toy house - Google Patents

Herz toy house Download PDF


Publication number
USD137371S US D137371 S USD137371 S US D137371S
United States
Prior art keywords
toy house
new york
Prior art date
Application number
Erwin Herz
Original Assignee
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Fd?. 29, 1944. E HERZ Dt. 137,371
TOY HOUSE Filed March 11, 1943 2 Sheets-Sheet i Feb. 29, 1944. E. Hr-:Rz
TOY HOUSE Filed March 11, 1943 Das, 137.371
2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Patented Feb. 29, 1944 Des. 137,371
UNITED STATES PATENT QFFICE DESIGN FOR A TOY HOUSE Erwin Herz, New York, N. Y., assigner to Reproducta, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Application March 11, 1943, Serial No. 109,730 Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern Be it known that I, Erwin Herz, without nationality, residing at 1123 Broadway, New York, in the county of New York and State of New York, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Toy House, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part thereof.
Fig. 1 is a. front elevational view,
Fig. 2 is a rear elevational view,
Fig. 3 is a top plan view,
Fig. 4 is an end elevational view, and
Fig. 5 is a central vertical cross sectional view of a toy house embodying my new design.
I claim:
The ornamental design for atoy house, as



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