USD136040S - Design for a toy figure - Google Patents

Design for a toy figure Download PDF


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USD136040S US D136040 S USD136040 S US D136040S
United States
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Elmer F. Rcbholz
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UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TOY FIGURE Elmer F. Rebholz, Chicago, Ill., assignor to James F. Barnes, as trustee Application March 12, 1942 Serial No. 106,175
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a toy fig re Be it known that I, Elmer F. Rebholz, a citizen showing my design; and Fig. 2 is a perspective of the United States, residing at Chicago, county view showing the parts in disassembled relation.
of Cook, and State of Illinois, have invented a I claim:
new, original, and ornamental Design for a Toy The ornamental design for a toy figure, as Figure, of which the following is a specification, shown.
reference being had to the accompanying draw- ELMER F. REBHOLZ.
ing forming a part thereof, in which



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