USD136008S - Design for a trackway crdjbage board - Google Patents

Design for a trackway crdjbage board Download PDF


Publication number
USD136008S US D136008 S USD136008 S US D136008S
United States
Prior art keywords
cribbage board
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Ernest Nathaniel Brooks
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July 20, 1943. E. N. BROOKS Des. 136,008
TRACKWAY CRIBBAGE BOARD Filed Oct. 21, 1942 j'n w ha r Patented July 20, 1943 UNITED STATES PATENT 1 Des. 136,008
OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TRACKWAY CRIBBAGE BOARD Ernest Nathaniel Brooks, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Application October 21, 1942, Serial No. 108,583
Term of patent 14 years 7 To' all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Ernest Nathaniel Brooks, a subject of the King of Great Britain and resident of the city of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario in the Dominion of Canada, whose post office address is 353, Winnett Avenue, York Township, Province of Ontario, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Trackway Cribbage Board, of which the follow- 7 ing -is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.
Figure 1 is a. plan view of a trackway cribbage board showing my new design and Figure 2 is a cross sectional view taken on the line 22 of Figure 1.
, I claim:
The ornamental design for a trackway cribbage board, as shown.



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