USD135982S - Morris vacuum cleaner rack - Google Patents

Morris vacuum cleaner rack Download PDF


Publication number
USD135982S US D135982 S USD135982 S US D135982S
United States
Prior art keywords
vacuum cleaner
cleaner rack
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Hewitt S. Morris
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July 13, 19.43. H. s. MORRIS Des 135,982
YACUUM CLEANER RACK Filed May 22, 1943 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 HIIIHHIIHHHIHM Inventor a d Attorneys f/ew z'Zz" .5 Marras By ma y 1943- H. s. MORRIS Des. 135,982
VACUUM CLEANER RACK Filed May 22, 1943 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 fiswz'ii 5. Marrz' Patented July 13, 1943 D UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A VACUUM CLEANER RACK Hewitt S. Morris, Manhasset, N. Y.
. Application May 22, 1943, Serial No. 110,258
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is an end elevational view;
Be it known that I, Hewitt S. Morris, a citizen Figure 3 is a front elevational view; and of the United States, residing at Manhasset, in Figure 4 is a top plan view. the county of Nassau and State of New York, have I claim: invented a new, original, and ornamental Design The ornamental design for a vacuum cleaner for a Vacuum Cleaner Rack, of which the followrack, as shown. ing is a specification, reference being had to the HEWITT S. MORRIS.
accompanying drawings, forming part thereof.
Figure 1 is a rear elevational View of a vacuum cleaner rack, showing my new design;



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