USD133950S - Design for a deck of playing cakds - Google Patents

Design for a deck of playing cakds Download PDF


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USD133950S US D133950 S USD133950 S US D133950S
United States
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Nathan S. Harris
Original Assignee
Arrco Playing Card Com
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Sept. 29, 1942. KLUMPP ET AL Des. 133,950
nmcx 0F PLAYING CARDS Filed Feb. 19, 1942 WP firfafs Patented Sept. 29, 1942 D UNITED STATES ATENT OFFICE 133,950 DESIGN FOR A DECK OF PLAYING CARDS Edward A. Klumpp and Nathan S. Harris, Chicago, Ill., assignors to Arrco Playing Card Company, Chicago, 111., a corporation of Illinois Application February 19, 1942, Serial No. 105,890 Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: The drawing shows the face cards and joker Be it known that We, Edward A. Klumpp and of the deck of cards embodying our new design.
Nathan S. Harris, citizens of the United States, The other cards and the backs of the playing residing at Chicago, in the county of Cook and cards are conventional.
State of Illinois, have invented a new, original, We claim:
and ornamental Design for a Deck of Playing The ornamental design for a deck of playing Cards, of which the following is a specification, cards, as shown and described.
reference being had to the accompanying draw- EDWARD A. KLUMPP.
ing, forming part thereof. NATHAN S. HARRIS.



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