USD133565S - Design for a rug or the like - Google Patents

Design for a rug or the like Download PDF


Publication number
USD133565S US D133565 S USD133565 S US D133565S
United States
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Walter Kansteiner
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Aug. 25, 1942. w s mER DQ8- 133,565
RUG OR THE LIKE Filed Nov. 25, 1941 IN V EN TOR.
Patented Aug. 25, 1942 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BUG OR THE LIKE Walter Kansteiner, Cat Spring, Tex. Application November 25, 1941, Serial No. 104,327 Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a plan View of a rug or the like Be it known that I, Walter Kansteiner, a icitishowing my new design.
zen of the United States, residing at Cat Spring, I claim:
in the county of Austin and State of Texas, have The ornamental design for a rug or the like,
invented a new, original, and ornamental Design as shown.
for a Rug or the like, of which the following is a WALTER KANSTEINER.
specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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