USD132711S - Design for a towel bar - Google Patents

Design for a towel bar Download PDF


Publication number
USD132711S US D132711 S USD132711 S US D132711S
United States
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towel bar
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Roy S. Sanford
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June 9, 1942. R 5 SANFORD Des. 132,711
TOWEL BAR Filed April 3, 1941 Patented June 9, 1942 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TOWEL BAR Roy S. Sanford, Oakville, Conn., assignor to The Autoyre Company, Incorporated, Oakville, Conn., a corporation of Connecticut Application April 3, 1941, Serial No. 100,113
1 Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the towel bar Be it known that I, Roy S. Sanford, a citizen shown in Fig. 1; and of the United States, residing at Oakville, in Fig. 3 is an elevational end view of the towel the county of Litchfield and State of Connectibar shown in Fig. 1. out, have invented a new, original, and orna- I claim: mental Design for a Towel Bar, of which the The ornamental design for a towel bar, subfollowing is a specification, reference being had stantially as shown. to the accompanying drawing, forming a part ROY S. SANFORD. thereof.
Figure 1 is a perspective view of a towel bar embodying my new design;



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