USD131584S - Design for a textile fabric - Google Patents

Design for a textile fabric Download PDF


Publication number
USD131584S US D131584 S USD131584 S US D131584S
United States
Prior art keywords
textile fabric
new york
Prior art date
Application number
Willard David Roberson
Filing date
Publication date




March 10, 1942. w, RQ'BERSQN Des. 131,584
TEXTILE FABRIC Filed Jan. 50, 1942 w INVENTOR.
mm'm Dem) Roaaozsw BY W ATTORNEY.
Patented Mar. 10, 1942 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TEXTILE FABRIC Willard David Roberson, New York, N. Y. Application January 30, 1942, Serial No. 105,511
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: The figure on the drawing is a plan view of Be it known that I, Willard David Roberson, a textile fabric showing my new design.
a citizen of the United States of America, re- I claim:
siding in New York city, county of New York, The ornamental design for a textile fabric,
and State of New York, have invented a new, substantially as shown.
original, and ornamental Design for a Textile Fabric, of which the following is a specification, WILLARD DAVID ROBERSON.
reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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