USD131380S - Design for a brooch or similar article - Google Patents

Design for a brooch or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD131380S US D131380 S USD131380 S US D131380S
United States
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similar article
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Alfred Philippe
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Feb. 10, 1942. A. PHILIPPE Des. 131,380
BROOCH OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Dec. 30, 1941 INVENTOR. l- 'Qfio H Il Patented Feb. 10, 1942 D DESIGN FOR A BROOCH 0R. SIMILAR ARTICLE 6 Alfred Philippe, New York, N. Y.
Application December 30, 1941, Serial No. 104,913
Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. l is a plan view of a brooch or similar Be it known that I, Alfred Philippe, a citizen article showing my new design.
of the United States of America, residing in the Fig. 2 is an edge view thereof.
city of New York, county of New York, and State I claim:
of New York, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a brooch or similar ornamental Design for a Brooch or Similar article, substantially as shown.
Article, of which the following is a specification,
reference being had to the accompanying draw- ALFRED PHILIPPE. ing, forming part thereof.



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