USD130309S - Design for a chair base - Google Patents

Design for a chair base Download PDF


Publication number
USD130309S US D130309 S USD130309 S US D130309S
United States
Prior art keywords
chair base
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Application number
Arthur E. Jones
Original Assignee
Posture Research Corporation
Filing date
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A. E. JONES I Des. 130,309
Nov. 11, 1941.
CHAIR BASE Filed July 31, 1941 ArZZzzrE .fozzes W M Jam Patented Nov. 11, 1941 UNITED STATES Des. 130,309
PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CHAIR BASE Arthur E. Jones, Elkhart, Ind., assignor to Posture Research Corporation, Elkhart, Ind., a corporation of Indiana Application July 31, 1941, Serial No. 102,610
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may Concern:
Be it known that 1, Arthur E. Jones, a citizen of the United States and a resident of Elkhart, county of Elkhart, and State of Indiana, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Chair Base, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof, in which: Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a chair base, showing my new design. Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the chair base on a scale enlarged over that of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a vertical sectional view, through a part of the chair base as taken on the line 33 of Fig. 2, and in the direction of the arrows.
The dominant feature of the design is shown in full lines.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a chair base, substantially as shown and described.



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