USD129616S - Design for a shoe - Google Patents

Design for a shoe Download PDF


Publication number
USD129616S US D129616 S USD129616 S US D129616S
United States
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Application number
Donelson Caffery Classic
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Sept. 23, 1941. c L Des. 129,616
Filed Oct. 1., 1940 I M Y r 5 M M km, W l
Patented Sept. 23, 1941 D 129,616
DESIGN FOR A SHOE Donelson Cafiery Glassie, Chevy Chase, Md. Application October 1, 1940, Serial No. 95,542
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.
Be it known that I, Donelson Caffery Giassie, In the drawing: a citizen of the United States, residing at Chevy The figure is a perspective view of a shoe, show- Chase, in the county of Montgomery and State of Y ing my new design. Maryland, have invented a new, original and or- I claim: namentai Design for a Shoe, of which the follow- The ornamental design for a shoe, as shown. me; is the specification, reference being had to the DON CAFFERY GLASSIE.



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