USD129423S - Goldenstein scarp or similar article - Google Patents

Goldenstein scarp or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD129423S US D129423 S USD129423 S US D129423S
United States
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Philip Goldenstein
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Des. 129,423
Sept. 9, 1941.
P. GOLDENSTEIN SCARF OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed June 30, 1941 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 /g WM.
Sept. 9, 1941. P. GOLDENSTEIN SCARF OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed June 30, 1941 Des. 129,423
5 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR.
p 1941- P. GOLDENSTEIN Des- 129,423
SCARF OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed June 30, 1941 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 24%?" INVENTOR h ATTORNEY.
Patented Sept. 9, 1941 Des, 129,423
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE To whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Philip Goldcnstein, a citizen of the United States, residing at Brooklyn, county of Kings and State of New York, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Scarf or Similar Article, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part thereof, wherein Figure 1 is a plan view of a scarf or similar article showing my new design; and
Figures 2 and 3 are, respectively, a right portion and a. left portion, on an enlarged scale, for the purpose of bringing out more clearly details thereof, of the scarf shown in Figure 1.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a scarf or similar article, substantially as shown and described.



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