USD128631S - Vacuum cleaner - Google Patents

Vacuum cleaner Download PDF


Publication number
USD128631S US D128631 S USD128631 S US D128631S
United States
Prior art keywords
vacuum cleaner
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Application number
Walter Krebs
Original Assignee
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Des. 128,631
W. KREBS Aug. 5, 1941.
VACUUM CLEANER Filed Jan. 25, 1941 INV ENT OR, BY Milfgp/mm J (D- J1/M775 HTTUNEY Patented Aug. 5, 1941 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A VACUUM CLEANER Walter Krebs, J amaiea, N. Y., assignor to Streamliner Manufacturing Company, New York, N. Y.
Application January 23, 1941, Serial No. 98,305
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a top plan View of a vacuum cleaner,
Be it known that I, Walter Krebs, a citizen of showing my new design.
the United States, residing at Jamaica, in the Fig. 2 is aside elevation thereof.
county of Queens and State of New York, have Fig. 3 is a front end View, and
invented a new, original, and Ornamental Design Fig. 4 is a. rear end View of the Vacuum cleaner.
for a Vacuum Cleaner, of which the following is I claim:
a specification, reference being had to the accom- The ornamental design for a Vacuum cleaner,
panying drawing, forming part thereof, and in as shown.



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