USD127885S - Design for a badge or the like - Google Patents

Design for a badge or the like Download PDF


Publication number
USD127885S US D127885 S USD127885 S US D127885S
United States
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Ramiro Monedero
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June 24, 1941. R MONEDE-RQ Des. 127,885 Q BADGE OR THE LIKE Filed March 25, 1.941
mnedam INVENTOR.
Patented June 24, 1941 I Des,
DESIGN FOR A BADGE OR THE LIKE Ramiro Monedero, San Salvador, El Salvador Application March 25, 1941, Serial No. 99,876
Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a front elevation of the badge or Be it known that I, Ramiro Monedero, a citithe like, showing my new design. zen of El Salvador, residing at San Salvador, FigureZisaside elevation thereof. have invented a new, original, and. ornamental I claim: Design for a Badge or the like, of which the fol- The ornamental design for a badge or the like, lowing is a specification, reference being had to as shown.
the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. RAMIRO MONEDERO.



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