USD127312S - Design for a bowl ob similar article - Google Patents

Design for a bowl ob similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD127312S US D127312 S USD127312 S US D127312S
United States
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new york
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Carl Schmitz
Original Assignee
Verlys of America
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y c. scHMrrz Des. 127,312
BOWL OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed March 11, 1941 INVENTOR. Q CARI. SCH/m T2 Patented May 20, 1941 I De 127,312
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BOWL OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Carl Schmitz, New York, N. Y., assignor to Verlys of America, Inc., New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application March 11, 1941, Serial No. 99,498
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a top plan view of a bowl or simi- Be it known that I, Carl Schmitz, a citizen of lar article, showing my new design. Figure 2 the United States of America and a resident of is a side elevational View of the same.
New York, in the county of New York and State I claim:
of New York, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a bowl or similar ornamental Design for a Bowl or Similar Artiarticle, as shown.
cle, of which the following is a specification, CARL SCHMITZ.
reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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