USD126208S - Design for a bookcase - Google Patents

Design for a bookcase Download PDF


Publication number
USD126208S US D126208 S USD126208 S US D126208S
United States
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new york
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Application number
Gerald Johnson
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April 1, 1941. e. JOHNSON 51' AL Des. 126,208
BOOKCASE Filed Nov. 26, 1940 [I I I I. I
I N V E N TO RS. GER/1L. a Jon/vso/v, 650/? Cusm/vc;
Patented Apr. 1, 1941 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BOOKCASE Gerald Johnson, George Cashing, and Thomas G. W. Nevell, New York, N. Y., assignors to The Globe-Wernicke Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, at corporation of Ohio Application November 26, 1940, Serial No. 96,841
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: tive View of a bookcase, showing our new design.
Be it known that We, Gerald Johnson, George The rear of the bookcase is substantially plain Cushing, and Thomas G. W. Nevell, citizens of and the opposite side is a mere image of the side the United States and residents of New York, in shown.
the county of New York and State of New York, I We claim: have invented a new, original, and ornamental The ornamental design for a bookcase, sub- Design for a Bookcase, of which the following is stantially as shown and described. a specification, reference being had to the ac- GERALD JOHNSON. companying drawing, forming a part thereof. GEORGE CUSHING.
In the drawing, the single figure is a perspec- THOMAS G. W. NEVELL.



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