USD126099S - Design for a lathee mixer - Google Patents

Design for a lathee mixer Download PDF


Publication number
USD126099S US D126099 S USD126099 S US D126099S
United States
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Application number
Harry E. Cullen
Original Assignee
Rolstad Manufacturing
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March 25, 1941. M ROLSTAD Ei-AL Des. 126,099 Q LATHER MIXER Filed Dec. 9, 1940 //VVENTORJ MEL V/N ,eoLsT/lD fi/IE/EX E." CULLEN ATT'aZNEY Patented Mar. 25, 1941 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN F 'OR. A LATHER MIXER Melvin Rolstad and Harry E. Cullen, Minneapolis, Minn., assignors to Rolstad Manufacturing Company, Minneapolis, Minn., a partnership composed of Melvin Rolstad, Lydia Rolstad, and Central Machine Works Company Application December 9, 1940, Serial No. 97,174
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevationaxl view of a lather Be it known that we, Melvin Rolst-ad and Harry mixer, showing our new design;
E. Cullen, citizens of the United States, residing Figure 2 is a, top plan View of Figure 1; and
at Minneapolis, in the county of Hennepin and Figure 3 is an end elevational View of Figure 1.
State of Minnesota, have invented a. new, origi- We claim:
nal, and ornamental Design for a Lather Mixer, "The ornamental design for a lather mixer, subof which the following is a. specification, referstantially as shown.
ence being had to the accompanying drawing, ROLSTAD. forming part thereof, and in which HARRY E, CULLEN.



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