USD124080S - Design for a wallpaper - Google Patents

Design for a wallpaper Download PDF


Publication number
USD124080S US D124080 S USD124080 S US D124080S
United States
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Application number
Ruth Schuessler
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I Des. 124,080
Dec. 17, 1940. R. SCHUESSLER WALLPAPER Filed Oct. 17, 1940 RU TH S cHL/Ess L ER- INVENT OR.
Patented Dec. 17, 1940 Des. 124,080
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Application October 17, 1940', Serial No. 95,897
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern: panying drawing, forming part thereof, wherein, Be it lmown that I, Ruth Schuessler, a citizen The figure of the drawing is a plan view of a of the United States of America, residing in Chiwallpaper showing my design.
cago, county of Cook, and State of Illinois, have I claim:
invented a new, original, and ornamental Design The ornamental design for a wallpaper, subfor a Wallpaper, of which the following is a stantially as shown. specification, reference b ing had t the ac om- RUTH SCHUESSLER.



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