USD124050S - Combined hood and bracket for hair driers - Google Patents

Combined hood and bracket for hair driers Download PDF


Publication number
USD124050S US D124050 S USD124050 S US D124050S
United States
Prior art keywords
hair driers
combined hood
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Application number
Eugene F. Suter
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Dec. 17, 1940. SUTER ETAL- 4 Des. 124,050 a COMBINED noon AND BRACKET FOR HAIR DRIERS Filed Aug. 31, 1940 v V 8 5A uvzu-ron Ila/ISM.
Patented Dec. 17, 1940 UNITED STATES Des. 124,050
PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A COMBINED HOOD AND BRACKET FOR HAIR DRIERS poration of New York Application August 31, 1940, Serial No. 94,758
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, Eugene F. Suter, a resident of New York, county and State of New York, and Marcel J. Suter, a resident of Bronxville, county of Westchester and State of New York, both citizens of the United States, and Hans Beike, a citizen of the Republic of Germany, residing in Glendale, county of Queens and State of New York, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Combined Hood and Bracket for Hair Driers, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a. part thereof.
The figure is a side perspective view of a combined hood and bracket for hair driers embodying our new design, the opposite side being substantially the same as the side shown.
We claim:
The ornamental design for a combined hood and bracket for hair driers, substantially as shown and described.



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