USD123708S - Dish support or the like - Google Patents

Dish support or the like Download PDF


Publication number
USD123708S US D123708 S USD123708 S US D123708S
United States
Prior art keywords
dish support
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Application number
William T. Wade
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NOV. 26, 1940. w WADE Des. 123,708
DISH SUPPORT OR THE LIKE Filed Feb. 26, 1940 W/LA/A/V 7. H4405,
Patented Nov. 26, 1940 Des. 123,708
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A ms i gvrronr on THE .3 William T. Wade, Los Angeles, Calif.
Application February 26, 1940; Serial No. 90,534
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a top perspective view of the dish Be it known that I, William T. Wade, a citisupport or the like, showing my design. zen of the United States, residing at Los Angeles, Fig. 2 is a bottom perspective view thereof.
in the county of Los Angeles and State of Cali- I claim:
fornia, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a dish support or mental Design for a Dish Support or the like, the like, as shown.
of which the following is a specification, refer- WILLIAM T. WADE.
ence being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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