USD122768S - Design for a goblet or similar article - Google Patents

Design for a goblet or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD122768S US D122768 S USD122768 S US D122768S
United States
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similar article
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Charles W. Carlson
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Oct. 1, 1940. c, w CARLSON Des. 122,768
GOBLET OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Jul 19, 1940 INVENTOR Patented Oct. 1, 1940 Des,
DESIGN FOR A GOBLET 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Charles W. Carlson, Pittsburgh, Pa. I Application July 19, 1940, Serial No. 93,791
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a vertical view in elevation of a Be it known that I, Charles W. Carlson, a goblet, showing my new design; and
citizen of the United States, residing at Pitts- Figure 2 is a horizontal view in section taken burgh, county of Allegheny, in the Commonalong the line IIII of Figure 1. Wealth of Pennsylvania, have invented a new, I claim:
original, and ornamental Design for a Goblet or The ornamental design for a goblet or similar Similar Article, of which the following is a article, substantially as shown.
specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof, in CHARLES W. CARLSO-N. which-



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